The fifth charity ball “Divniy cvet” – photo report

June 9, 2019 in the House of Latvian Society in Riga a luxuriant ball “Divniy cvet” took place. 

The event was conducted for the fifth time in succession, the organizer is a youth organization “Dobro” together with the community “United Hearts”.

The ball united participants and spectators from the whole Latvia – 40 pairs of dancers and more than 100 viewers. Grand charity event was intended in order to collect donations in the fund of Latvian orphan and adoptive family support centre “”, where a lot of dancers are coming from.

Ladies in ball gowns and their partners in black tails performed Polonaise at the opening of the ball. Dancers have been preparing for the theatrical performance together with the choreographer of ballroom dancing. In the evening programme waltz, moreska, countrydance and other types were presented.

The special atmosphere was created by decorations and strict dress-code – evening gowns for women and suits for men. The guests of the ball could participate in the lottery, enjoy buffet and buy a handmade wares from Sunday school pupils at a charity fair.

The organizers of the Ball and the Centre “” express gratitude to all of those who contributed to conduct the event – choreographers, dancers, the organizing committee and volunteers, makeup artists, hairdressers, photographers, video operators.

Personal thank you to Диана Крутова, Паша Стёбочкин (Paul Stebohckin), Edmond Pushko, Даша Липска-Ищук (Даша Липская), FUN Studio, SIA “Enhars”, iMedia group, Александр Голованов (Aleksandr Golovanov),, Ирена Дроздова (Irena Drozdova), Оксана Коновалова,, Nina Jelecka, @Katrina Jelecka, Victoria Dubanevich, Marija Audere-Auderina, Олеся Бабайцева, Valērija Raubiško, Ervīns Pavinskis, Katrina Levita, Марина Ткачева (Marina Tkaceva), Дзени Ла (Dzeni La), Olga Muter, Лиза Прилуцка, @Катя Казакова, Екатерина Ткачук (Jekaterina Tkacuka)

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