Volunteers of the Support Centre Sirota.lv participated in the New Year celebration with orphans and their teachers. We helped our friends – charity organization Alianse Latvija bez bāreņiem – with organizing gala day. It was our first experience of a collaborate holding the children’s holiday. It turned out colorful, fun and exciting! The was a Grinch performance by Valery Komisarenko and his wonderful assistant. Also the was a chemical show by Laboratorium.lv and New Year’s workshop from the floristics studio.
Photo spot from FamilyPhoto and face painting workshop. Thanks to the company PARTY TIME for providing costumes of Beauty and the Beast. And of course we had Santa Claus with gifts from PartyMakers.
Personal gratitude for our volunteers who participated in the celebration Даша Липска-Ищук, Daina Mandrikina, Паша Стёбочкин (Paul Stebohckin), Marija Audere-Auderina, Iriska Gushina, Екатерина Ткачук (Jekaterina Tkacuka), Ervīns Pavinskis, Katrina Levita, Лена Васильева, Olesya Koval, Ирина Феодорова (Irina Feodorova), Нина Колчина (Nina Kolchina).