21st October – creative art masterclass for children little chest of drawers made of matches boxes

Labdarības radošā darbnīca Meistaru pilsēta Zelta rudens un lapkritis aiz loga nav nekāds iemesls būt garlaicīgiem. Šoreiz mēs visi izbaudīsim siltu un draudzīgu radošās darbnīcas atmosfēru un izveidosim gaumīgu lādi no sērkociņu kastītēm, kas patiks gan lieliem, gan maziem. Kas? … далее

8th of June – sports festival “Energy party” for teenagers from orphanages

We are starting the preparation for a unique event – “Energy party” sports festival for teenagers from orphanages, which will take place this summer on the 8th of June. In order for the event to happen, we very much need … далее

Photo report, volunteers Alla and Valery take children from the Imanta orphanage to the puppet theatre.

Dear friends! We continue to share the joyful reports from the accomplished projects, for which we have been collecting donations. Below we publish photos of our two volunteers Алла Карабина (Alla Karabina) и Valērija Raubiško accompanying kids from Imanta orphanage … далее